
Mazot Bacanora 

The Chacon-Ezrre family of Mazot has been passing down the traditions, techniques and secrets of distillation for four generations near Bacanora, Sonora. The Chacon-Ezrre family is well known for their quality distillation and initiated the Bacanora Museum and the Bacanora Festival in Bacanora, Sonora. Owner: Emilia Ezrre Becerra Maestro Vinateros (sons): Manuel "Ramses" Chacon Ezrre; Sinohe Chacon Ezrre. Head Historian, StoryTeller and Agave Planter: Manuel Chacon, husband/father, former mayor of Bacanora. Mazot Meaning- The Opatas, the original inhabitants of the Sierras, consider the deer (Mazot) a silent secretive spirit that inhabits the Sierra that has significant religious significance. The illusive Mazot is similar to the way bacanora was produced during 77 years of prohibition, hiding in the canyons and barrancas of the Sierra Sonorense to avoid detection

Batuq Bacanora

 Batuq Bacanora is following 300 years of culture and tradition, and is made on the family ranch near San Pedro de la Cueva, where Rafael Encinas Molina and his sons continue more than four generations of tradition. Rafael Quijada is the Maestro Vinatero. Batuq Bacanora celebrates the families origin from the small town of Batuc, founded in 1629 near the Yaqui River, but inundated when the river was damned in the 1960's. SanPedro de la Cueva also has a notorious history as the site where Pancho Villa shot all the males in the village, including the priest, in retaliation for the death of a few of his soldiers.